Committees formed for SYMRESEARCH 2022

03-05 November 2022

Steering Committee for SYMRESEARCH 2022


Provost, Faculty of Health sciences, SIU


Organizing Secretary

Dr. Vijaya Sagar


Dr. Alaka Chandak, Dr. Sammita Jadhav, Dr. Sonopant Joshi, Dr. Anuradha Vaidya, Dr. Parag Rishipathak,

Dr. Nayana Nimkar, Dr. Vijay Natarajan, Dr. Khushali Ratra, Dr. Vinay Rale & Dr. Raju Sunder

Sr. No. Name of Committee Head Mentor
1 Academic Committee & Rapporteur Committee Faculty Incharge of individual session Dr. T. Vijaya Sagar
2 Research Committee :
a. SOPs and timelines for Call for Papers/posters Dr. Savita Jadhav
Dr. Rashmi Tupe
Dr. Kavitha Menon
b. Constitute editorial board to review poster/paper and Constitute Jury for judging poster/papers Dr. Anuradha Vaidya
Dr. Vaijayanti Kale
c. To identify SCOPUS / WoS journals for conference proceedings Dr. Sonopant Joshi
Dr. Girish Kumthekar
d. Evaluating research output of Journal clubs of HEIs Dr. Savita Jadhav
Dr. Urvi Shukla
Dr. Urmila Deshmukh
e. Ideation of Research over informal occasions Dr. Sanjay Pohekar &
Dr. Ankit Singh

Stage Committee (at all venues of Master class & Pre-conf symposium including main auditorium Moringa; Including Photography & Videography. Selection and training of Master of Ceremony at each venue.

The stage committee will also be responsible for disciplinary issues at individual venues viz. Announcements, audience discipline, time management etc. All towards ensuring a smooth conduct of the session at individual venue.

Dr. Pramod Mishra
Dr. Samir Phadnis
Dr. Prakash Kalke
Dr. Neha Ahire
Ms. Sanjeevani Maral
Ms. Devaki Gokhale
Ms. Radhika Hedaoo
Ms. Aarti Muley
Ms. Manisha Mistry
Ms. Shital Waghmare
Ms. Shital Barde
Dr. Sammita
4 AV Aid and IT Committee (8UIIncluding FoHS Film, Live Web streaming) development of app, website and QR scan code Mrs. Pallavi Pawar & team Dr. Amit Suratkar
5 Finance Committee Dr. T Vijaya Sagar
Ms. Shalini Sinha
Dr. Alaka Chandak
6 Purchase committee
  • Purchase is under SMCW so Dean SMCW will ensure via HMIS / AIMS as per SOP after approval of purchase by Dean FOHS,SIU.
  • All purchases upto Rs. 15000/- will be approved by Dean SMCW (as per budgetary provisions). Purchases above Rs. 15000/- will be approved by Dean FoHS (through Director, SCHC)
Mr. Nazir Shaikh, Dy. Head Purchase
Ms. Shital Renuse Manager Purchase, SUHRC
Ms. Shalini
Office staff members selected by Dean SMCW for respective committees / Mr. Vinay Gujar
Concerned Portfolio Head /Mentor - Invitee
7 Sponsorship Committee (To include Logo support) as per different models of sponsorship mentioned in the SOP. Appeal letter to be customized by the individual process owner. Organizations include….
Govt Sponsorship Dr. Sangram Jadhav Dr. Khushali Ratra
ICMR, WHO, AYUSH, NITI Aayog, AIIMS, INSA, DBT, DST, CSIR, INC, NMC, UGC and all other govt. organizations who have schemes for supporting research conferences (To consult Dr. Raman Gangakhedkar & to refer database of Dr. Zodpey)
Non- Governmental Dr. Kedar Tambe
a. Research organizations: both private and public Dr. Rale
b. Pharma companies Dr. Sangram Jadhav
c. Publication houses Dr. Yogesh Patil
d. R & D organizations of medical equipment and devices Dr. Sammita Jadhav in consultation with Dr. Pawan Choudhary, MTAI
e. Analytical IT tools companies Dr. Tatpuje
f. Research Entrepreneurs & Healthcare Startups Dr. Yogesh Brahmankar
g. Vendors of FoHS Mr. Nazir Shaikh
Ms. Shital Renuse
h. Any other
8 Invitation Committee & Reception Committee:
(Fortification of existing database as well as creation of new database). This committee will also ensure timely notification and invitation to all internal stakeholders including display on FoHS calendar, SIU Calendar, SS Calendar, invitation to C, PC and VC and Deans, Officials of statutory bodies of SIU, Directors/Heads of SIU and Invitees (Social contacts) etc. Dept. of Community Medicine Dr. Sachin Palve
9 Catering and Banquet Committee Dr. Kavitha Menon
Ms. Aarti SUHRC
Chef. Gokhale
10 Registrations Committee Dr. Sanika Deshmukh
Dr. Neha Darbhe
Dr. Raju Sunder
11 Tour Committee Admin staff of SMCW
12 Transportation (Outstation) Faculty Incharge of individual session + Brig Gopi Dr. Parag Rishipathak
13 Local Conveyance Committee for speakers & VIPs :
Bus arrangement for students, staff of FOHS and delegates who are staying on campus (within campus only) Col. Mahar
Brig. Gopi
Brig. Ratnaparkhi
14 Accommodation and Housekeeping Committee :
  • Speaker
  • Delegates
  • VIP
Anthony Augustine
Brig. Gopi
Dr. Abhijit Deshpande
15 Campus Venue Management Committee :
Including Signage, parking, housekeeping, security and help desk at venues and campus beautification Committee.
This committee will also be responsible for disciplinary issues at common venues e.g. Catering areas, Registration area viz. Announcements, audience discipline, time management (To ensure timely movement of delegates) etc.
Brig. Gopi Iyer
Col. Mahar
Brig. Ratnaparkhi
16 Medical Aid & Disaster Management Committee: Dr. Ratra Dr. Vijay Natarajan
17 Cultural Committee Dr. Sheela Upendra
Ms. Seeta Devi
18 Branding & Promotion committee:
Creation of conference brochures, Announcement on SIU and institute websites and social media; during and post conference social media presence. Calling press conference, print media coverage and coverage in magazines wherever possible. Includes all promo activities not limited to video byte of speakers and establishment of Souvenir shops .
Whereas, there is a separate stall committee, the branding and promotion committee will also be responsible for the FoHS stall as a branding initiative of FoHS.
Dr. T. Vijaya Sagar
Ms. Monisha Mitra
Ms. Renuu Kulkarni
19 Printing Committee
(Souvenir, commemorative issue, promo material etc.)
HOD department of Microbiology
20 MMC Credit points Dr. Ankit Singh Dr. Parag Rishipathak
21 Issuance of all Certificates (attendance, speaker, prize winner etc) and collecting delegate feedback Ms. Sanjeevani Maral
Dr. Samir Barve
22 Uploading on SWAYAMPRABHA Portal Dr. T Vijaya Sagar
23 Wellness Committee Ms. Shweta Sharma Dr. Girija Mahale

Note: Each Committee will present to the steering committee w.e.f. 3:30 PM on Monday 12th Sept onwards. Organizing secretary to up schedule.

Process Owner of the Session

PCS I Dr. Sheela Upendra, Dr. Reshma Patil & Dr. Jasneet Kaur
PCS II Dr. Anand Bhosale, Dr. Dwight & Dr. Ramgir
PCS III Dr. Suchitra Palve, Dr. Mishra & Dr. Neha Ahire
PCS IV Dr. Bharati Deokar Sharma, Prof. Milind Chunkhare & Dr. Prakash Kalke
MC I Brig. Ramkrishna, Dr. Meenakshi Bhakare, Dr. Ankit Singh + Dr. Neha Ahire
MC II Dr. Girish Kumthekar, Dr. Raghupathy + Dr. Abha
MC III Dr. Pankaj Bansode, 2 Faculty from SSBS
MC IV Dr. Bhasin, Prof. Prerna Dongre + Dr. Seeta Devi
Clinic I Dr. Prasan Bhandari, Team SSBS (excluding 2 faculty I/C of MC III)
Clinic II Dr. Sandesh Datir, Prof. Shital Barde + Prof. Shital Waghmare
Track I Dr. Kalpana Angadi, Dr. Vaijayanti Prakash Kale + Dr. Manisha Gore
Track II Dr. Anjali Kher + Dr. Kavitha Menon
Track III Dr. Madhukar Petkar, Adv. Salunke
Track IV Dr. Jui Geet, Dr. Girija Mahale
Track V Dr. Prasad Bhanap, Dr. Raghu + Dr. Abha
Track VI Dr. Shruti Kumar + Col. Dr. Dipak Joshi
Inauguration + KeyNote address I, II + Valedictory Dr. Rajiv, Dr. Parag, Dr. Alaka, Dr. Sammita, Dr. Natarajan, Dr. Ratra, Dr. Vijaya Sagar, Dr. Nimkar
In Spare Dr. Amritashish Bagchi, Dr. Shiny, Dr. Rajan Bindu, Dr. Batra, Dr. Anuradha Kelkar To consider for Govt. Sponsorship / Research Committee/ Stage Committee )