
Personalized Medicine

Plenary Speaker

Prof. Andrew Devitt
Chair in Inflammatory
Cell Biology, Aston
University, UK

Plenary Speaker

Prof. Shiv Kumar Sarin
Director, ILBS, Institute
of Liver and Biliary
Science (ILBS), New
Delhi, India

Invited Speaker

Prof. Shaji R V
Professor, Christian
Medical College, Vellore,

Invited Speaker

Dr. Rajarshi Pal
Co-founder & Chief
Scientist, Eyestem
Research, Private
Limited, Gujarat, India

Invited Speaker

Dr. Vandana Ghormade
Senior Scientist,
Agharkar Research
Institute, Pune, India

Microbial Research

Plenary Speaker

Prof. Rup Lal
Professor, INSA Senior
Scientist, University of
Delhi, India

Plenary Speaker

Prof. Naveen Kumar
Director, National
Institute of Virology, (NIV), Pune, India

Invited Speaker

Dr. Girdhari Lal
Scientist-F NCCS, Pune,

Invited Speaker

Prof. Phillip Rather
Professor, Emory

Invited Speaker

Dr. Lalit Dhar
Professor, Department of
Microbiology AIIMS, New
Delhi, India

Biomedical Imaging

Plenary Speaker

Prof. Tinashe Mutsvangwa
Professor, Head of the
Department, Department
of Data Science, IMT
Atlantique, Brest, France

Plenary Speaker

Prof. NR Jagannathan
Former Vice-President,
INSA, Retired Professor
& Head, Dept. of NMR &
MRI Facility, AIIMS, New
Delhi, India

Invited Speaker

Dr. Jaladhar Neelavalli
Department of BME, IIT
Hyderabad, India

Invited Speaker

Dr. Jayadeva
Professor, IIT Delhi, Dept
of Electrical Engineering,
New Delhi, India

Invited Speaker

Dr. Jitender Saini
Professor, Neuroimaging
and Interventional
Radiology, NIMHANS,
Bengaluru, India

Environmental Engineering for Public Health

Plenary Speaker

Dr. Ruchika Drall
Deputy Secretary (Climate Change), Ministry of Environment, Government of India

Plenary Speaker

Prof. Walter Leal Filho
Head of the Research and Transfer Centre Sustainable Development and Climate Change Management, Hamburg University of Sciences, Germany

Invited Speaker

Prof. Rajan Kumar Kotru
Head, Innovative
Regional Program,

Invited Speaker

Dr. Kavitha Rajshekar
Dept of Health Research
Govt of India

Invited Speaker

Dr. Biswajeet Pradhan
Distinguished Professor,
University of Technology
Sydney, Australia

AI in healthcare

Plenary Speaker

Prof. Prashant Jamwal
School of Engineering
and Digital Sciences,

Plenary Speaker

Prof. Pushpak Bhattacharya
CSE, IIT Bombay, India

Invited Speaker

Dr. Kumar Raja Mani
Associate Director at
Cropin, India

Invited Speaker

Dr. Priyanka Jain
New Delhi, India

Invited Speaker

Dr. Natasha Pahuja
Lasik Surgeon, Clinical
and Research Scientist,
Pune, India